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56K V.90 Fax-Modem CF-card by Billionton
Fax-Modem-CF-card CF-PCMCIA-adaptor Billionton 56k V.90 Fax-Modemcard. Inserted in the SL-5500 the headphone jack and stylus are still accessable with the card inserted. A control LED shows the online-Status. Intelligent: The phone cord fits in a standard jack that is found under a small cover so the card is very slim if no cord is attached. The Zaurus accepts the card right out of the box, no drivers needed. Use of the card is possible directly after you entered the needed data (phone #, network login data etc.). In the box : The fax/modem card, Billionton CF-PCMCIA-adaptor for use in a PC card Slot, cable and adaptor for use with a RJ-45 or TAE-jack, driver disk for PC installation, german documentation with specifications and quickstart guide.
Note: To use the fax function with your Zaurus you need optional software.

Additional informations:

Modem-card 69,-- EUR
ARCHIVE! Device no longer available!
10 Base Ethernet CF-LAN-card by Billionton
10BT-CF-card CF-PCMCIA-adaptor Billionton 10-Base-T Ethernet CF card. Inserted in the SL-5500 the headphone jack and stylus are still accessable with the card inserted. The card looks very robust and the thickness at the upper end is similar to the SL-5500G. Three control LEDs inform about the netzwork status. The card is recongnized automatically at all Zaurus models and is ready to use after setup in the network dialog. In the box: 10-Base-T lan card, Billionton CF-PCMCIA-adaptor for use in a PC-Card-Slot, driver CD for installation in a PC, english dokumentation with specifications and quickstart guide.

More informations:

no longer available
Cat 5 patch cable
Cat 5 patch cable Patch cable for use with the Billionton CF-lan card. This cable is for with the lan card and a hub or switch.
Note: For a direct connection (peer to peer) between two PCs / Zauris you'll need a cross over cable.

Kat5 patch cable 2 meters 5,95 EUR
PCMCIA-CF-adaptor With this PCMCIA to CF adaptor you may use CF cards in a PCMCIA slot (PC-Card).

PCMCIA-CF-adaptor 34,90 EUR

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All prices are calculated for pickup incl. 19% german VAT.